Testimonial from Ryan Tan’s parents:
Ryan, who turned 10 this year, first participated in coach Alfa’s online chess lessons during the COVID pandemic two years ago. It was a tear-jerking and exciting chess adventure. He fell and was upset in the games, but with Coach Alfa’s guidance and encouragement, he made a stronger and remarkable comeback. At the 2023 USMKKJ Chess Open Tournament, Ryan earned his first champion medal in the under-12. Ryan, congratulations! Best wishes on your chess journey, and many thanks to Coach Alfa for his enthusiastic guidance.
U12 Champion
USMKKJ Chess Open 2023
May 6, 2023

What do you do?
I’m a full-time chess coach and doing part-time work for team building events.
When did you start to play chess?
I started playing chess by the age of 7.
How did you get to know about the chess game?
It’s in the family. All my family and relatives are chess champions.
Do you remember the first game you played with your dad? How was it?
I remember the first game I played my dad, honestly I cannot defeat him.
Where did you get chess training?
I got my chess training from my Uncle and Auntie because they are former chess champions. My cousins learned how to play and we played with each other. I attended MILO Checkmate training in the Philippines my cousins and siblings to sharpen our skills.
Did you take any chess coaching?
Yes. I had one coach from San Sebastian College Recoletos de Manila.
Why do you continue to play chess?
I continue playing chess because this is my passion. It keeps my mind active and allow me to meet people that I can share my interest in playing chess.
Is chess is more of a passion or has it become a winning symbol to you?
Chess is more passion to me at the same time winning symbol to me. I’m eager to know more and improve my chess skills. While teaching or playing chess, I’ll met new friends. Though we are rival inside the board, but we are friends outside of the game. Perhaps the students that I teach will someday become one of the great Master around the world. By playing with different people, there are a different variation of game – this is the winning symbol for me.
Before the Internet, while you were building up your chess skills, did you play in other countries besides Philippines?
Did you attend tournaments with your parents?
Yes! When I was a kid every month we have a tournament in MILO Checkmate.
How many tournaments have you took part in?
I think already over 100+.
What was your biggest win so far?
My biggest win is to face my rival school coach in Letran College, who is a National Master. Best feeling ever and defeating some titled Master.
What have you gained from the chess game?
When you know how to play chess it can help you in every situation which need to solve, in actual life or unique situation. You will know how to make a BEST DECISION that you won’t regret in your life.
Other than helping you to analyze things better, can I say that chess also helped you to be more courageous?
Like one quote here in chess:
Chess is a struggle against the error. You can always look for better on your next move!
What have you gained from joining chess tournaments?
Education – Good Attitude – Another Family – Friends