What do you do?
I am working as a tuition teacher in teaching primary school students. Meanwhile, I am coaching chess for part time in Marcus Chess Academy and being tournament assistant in Mind Chess Enterprise.
When did you play chess?
I played chess since 11 years old.
How did you get to know about the chess game?
I got to know about chess through a classmate who joined the chess club in school. Then, I joined the chess club and started my chess life…
Where did you get chess training?
I got chess training in school (they invited a coach) during the co-curriculum session.
Did you take any chess coaching?
Not really, except those training sessions I joined in school or organised by MSSPP or MSSM.
Why do you continue to play chess?
The opportunities given to take part in tournaments (represent school, university, state and country) which keep me continuing in playing chess (before graduation). Now it becomes a kind of interest and enthusiasm.
Is chess is more of a passion or has it become a winning symbol to you?
I think both passion and winning symbol.
Before the Internet, while you were building up your chess skills, did you play in other states in Malaysia?
I played in other states during tournaments like National Age Group, MSSM, Merdeka Tournament…etc.
When you attended tournaments in other states, did you enjoy the travels?
Yes, I often enjoy the travels with my teammates as I got to gain experience from every tournament I attended.
How many tournaments have you took part in?
I couldn’t remember how many tournaments I have taken part but definitely quite a number in these 15 years.
What was your biggest win so far?
The most recent one should be Women’s team champion in National State Championship 2018.

Did you go for International tournaments as well?
Yes, there were a few during secondary school and university time. One of the most memorable was XXVII Summer Universiade 2013 which held in Kazan, Russia.
What have you gained from the chess game?
Analytical skills and problem solving (learn to evaluate the results of specific actions and sequences), develop patience (one game for 4 hours), more rational in making decision, focusing (observing carefully and concentrating) and a little of creativity….
Other than helping you to analyze things better, can I say chess also helped you to be more courageous?
Erm… maybe yes? To make new friends… as I’m more introvert.
What have you gained from joining chess tournaments?
Enjoy the moments in playing games (feeling great if I win, learn more when I lose), got to know a bunch of chess friends who always willing to help no matter in chess field or others.